Monday, March 31, 2014

Going "Bananas" for Spring!

It is finally spring! YAY!!! This is my absolute favorite time of the year. When all of the azaleas start blooming and everything starts greening again, it just makes me happy. To start this season off right, I am dedicating this week to one of my favorite fruits, BANANAS! Ahh now you get the title of todays post. There are so many uses for bananas I can't even stand it. I am going to take this week to show you several different, SIMPLE ways you can use bananas. 

Bananas are an excellent source for potassium which is super important for your health! Potassium actually helps tell the heart to pump blood throughout your body. It also helps you to build proteins and muscles. So why not add bananas in where you least expect them? Today I am going to start out with a little something sweet. These are my banana oat cookies that only have 4 ingredients and take about 20 minutes from start to finish. Yup 4! None of which are flour, egg, milk, or sugar. I know what you're thinking, yeah right. These aren't going to be good without sugar. Well, bananas have enough naturally sugar in them that I promise you will love them.

I will forewarn you, these cookies aren't the consistency of a flour cookie. They are a little more chewy but just as delicious. Let me know what you think!

This recipe makes about 18 cookies but is easily doubled or tripled. Happy Baking!!

Banana Oat Cookies

3 semi-ripe bananas
1 cup GF oats
1/4 cup GF/DF chocolate chips
1/4 cup dried cherries

What to do:

Preheat your oven to 350°.

Add your oats and bananas into a large bowl. I simple pinch small pieces of bananas off and toss them into the oats.

Using the back of a spatula, press the bananas agains the bowl to smash them a bit.

Stir the oats and bananas together.

Add in your chocolate chips and dried cherries.

Stir to combine.  

Spoon your cookie "dough" onto a parchment lined cookie sheet.

Bake for 12-15 minutes. Let cool completely on a drying rack.

Grab a cookie and dig in. 

Thanks Y'all!
-Wise Wife 

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