Monday, March 31, 2014

Banana Week; Banana Nut "Ice Cream"

Today's post makes my mouth water just thinking about it. This dessert has the consistency of ice cream but none of the fat or dairy. I know I am a genius ha okay well not really, but this recipe is amazing! Simple ingredients put together in a new way to create a delicious final product.

Because of this recipe I get to enjoy "ice cream" with my hubs some nights. Don't tell.. sometimes I enjoy it for breakfast too. Adding the pecans in this recipe give it a slight crunch and a little but of a nutty taste. To make this recipe vegan, you can always use agave nectar, but I prefer local honey in this recipe. I have been using local honey a lot lately because Hubs' allergies are going crazy and eating local honey really seems to help him. 

I add lemon juice to this recipe. If you haven't discovered this MInute Maid freshly squeezed lemon juice, oh man listen up! This is straight lemon juice with no additives. It is in our frozen food section and its super helpful when you need large amounts of lemon juice or use lemon juice frequently. We steam whole artichokes a lot and mix butter and lemon juice together as a dipping sauce. Props to my wonderful in-law family for this recipe! 

Now you can truly enjoy dessert with none of the guilt. You're welcome!

Banana Nut "Ice Cream"


3 frozen bananas 
3 T honey
1 1/1 T lemon juice 
2 T chopped pecans

What to do:

Add bananas, lemon juice, and honey into a food processor.

Process for about 30 seconds and semi-smooth. You don't want it super creamy at this step because we will be processing it again. The honey sometimes travels to the bottom of the food processor so make sure you scrape it off the bottom and incorporate it nicely into the mixture. 

Add in your pecans and process for another 30 seconds.

Transfer to an airtight container and freeze for at least an hour before eating. I usually make this a day ahead and let it freeze overnight. If you prefer a super creamy dessert, you can always eat it right away, but I enjoy it better after it has been frozen. 

Grab a spoon and an ice cream scoop!

Thanks Y'all!
-Wise Wife 

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