Sunday, June 8, 2014

Spicy Pikled Okra

Don't you just love summer! It amazes me all of the delicious locally grown fresh veggies you can get. They taste SO much better than the ones imported from who knows where. I grabbed about a pound of fresh okra the other day because they were beautiful! Now, Hubs will only eat okra if it is fried and well, I prefer it to be picked. Guess who one? ME!! Pickling okra is so easy and a great thing to have in your pantry to snack on or even to throw into a bloody mary. 

I wish I had grabbed even more okra, so I may have to go back and get some more. Now that the canning bug has bitten me yet again this year, I will be trying out a few new recipes to come up with some yummy things to have on hand for winter. 

Okay, so I guess I should get back to the pickled okra. Just a  little advice, these need to sit for a few days before you try them. I like mine to sit for at least a week to get the optimal pickling flavors.

The amount of garlic and habanero peppers varies in this recipe depending on how large your okra are. Because okra can differ in sizes, the amount of jars you will end up with will vary slightly. You can never be positive how many okra you can shove into those jars. :) You want enough garlic to have 2 cloves per pint jar. You want to have 1/2 habanero pepper per pint jar. I know thats a bit confusing, but just trust me on this one.

Printable Recipe Here!

Spicy Pickled Okra
naturally GF/DF


1 pound fresh okra
6-8 cloves garlic
3 cups apple cider vinegar
1 cup water
2-3 habanero peppers
1 T mustard seeds
about 6 sprigs fresh dill
1 1/2 T salt
1 T sugar

What to do:

First you need to sanitize your jars. Fill my sink up with super hot soapy water and let the the jars and tops soak for a bit and then rinse. You could also run them through the dishwasher for a little time saver.

Stuff your jars full of okra. It is best not to put the okra all facing the same way. You can fit lots more in!

Add 2 cloves peeled garlic and 1 sprig of dill into each jar.

Now you know how many habanero peppers you will need. See I told you to trust me! Cut enough habanero peppers for 1/2 a pepper per each jar.

Add the apple cider vinegar, water, peppers, mustard seeds, salt, sugar, and 2 sprigs fresh dill into a large sauce pan.

Heat over medium heat, stirring constantly until the ingredients are dissolved.

Bring the vinegar mixture to a boil and allow to cook for about 5 minutes.

Remove from heat and CAREFULLY add the solution evenly to your jars of okra. Make sure you get 1/2 a pepper in each jar. Discard the dill in the sauce pan.

Add your top and screw on tightly.

Process your jars in a water bath for 15 minutes. That simply means, fill a large pot up with water and bring it to a boil. Add the tightly closed jars into the boiling water, ensuring the jars are completely covered. Leave the jars in there for 15 minutes. Remove and set on the counter and allow to cool.

Fast forward a week, and open up a jar and take a bite. Once you open, store the jar in the fridge.

Thanks Y'all!
-Wise Wife 

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