Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Valentine's Day Decorations

It is Valentine's day week. Now, I am not a huge fan of the holiday but to me it is just an excuse to decorate. I absolutely LOVE to decorate for the holidays. A little decorating keeps the house interesting  during the year and just makes it festive. Now I know this post is a little out of the norm for Wise Wife, but I thought I would let you in on another side of me. Here are the simple things that I did to make our house ready for valentines day. Oh and a helpful hint, Valentine's day is all about the red and pink so use all of your red things from your Christmas decorations too. 

Check back tomorrow and I will share a super simple strawberry dessert perfect for an at home Valentine's dinner.

My Mother-In-Law and I were out shopping last week and came across these super cute placemats that are so fun so I had to get them. I put them on my kitchen table and added a cute folded napkin with a red border that I have used for fourth of July. (see holiday decorations can overlap!) 

I folded them to look semi like a flower. Here is how I did it…

Start by laying the napkin out face down.

Fold each corner in to meet in the middle.

Again, fold each corner in to meet in the middle.

Holding everything together, flip the entire napkin over.

One again, fold each corner to meet in the middle.

Still holding the corners in the center tight, reach underneath and pull out what will become the leaves.

There you have it! I promise it gets easier each time you do it. You can tuck this away in your mind and use it when you have company over for any holiday or want to spruce up your table setting. 

I added a planter with orchids and voila, a Valentine's table!

I also like to add a few more touches around our house. I have a heart shaped dish that I put heart shaped candies in. Hello heart overload! 

I laid out a red table runner that I actually use for Christmas, but hey it's red! Add another planter of orchids (can you tell I love orchids?) and my entry is complete! 

I bought red, white, and pink chocolate candies and put them in a clear jar for the Hubs. This is a trick I use for almost every holiday. I change our candies to match the color of the seasons. I put out a red tray just to add a little extra touch of red. Everything I decorate with is super simple but yet makes our house so homey. 

Well friends, that's it. Hope you enjoyed a peak into my house for Valentine's day! I will have other tips later in the week.  

Thanks Y'all!
-Wise Wife 

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