Monday, August 12, 2013

That day could be tomorrow

Every time I leave a funeral I am full of so many conflicting feelings and thoughts. Why that person? Why now? Why do we have to hurt so bad? While at the same time, I am fulfilled with joy that we are in the hands of the man above. Today I unfortunately had to attend a friend of mine's dad's funeral.

Last night at the visitation, I was at a loss for words. What do you say to someone who is hurting so bad? Turns out I didn't have to say anything at all. A hug and "I am praying for you" is all she needed. What truly amazed me was how strong she was being. Her dad had battled a long road of cancer that took a turn for the worse a few weeks ago. In the end, they knew he was deteriorating, so the family was blessed with the time to tell him they love him and that it was okay for him to go home. After all, isn't that why we are on Earth? To live for our Savior and one day walk through the pearly gates and forever worship the Lord.

The faith of my friend and her family is being tested and I believe they passed with flying colors. They have been so positive through all of this. During her father's last few days here, all she wanted was for him to be comfortable. Instead of being angry, she was so unselfish and just wanted him to be at peace and no longer hurting. She asked him to let her feel him each and every day and I have no doubt he will fulfill that request, she will just have to learn to look for him in places she doesn't expect. 

I hope that when I go through a similar experience, I will remember how she has handled everything and strive to live that way. She has been an amazing witness to all of us and I'm not even sure she realizes how big of an impact she is having on those around her, especially me.

Of course tears have been shed and hearts are broken, but deep down they know he is in such a better place, watching over them each and everyday 

On the back of the service program was a quote that was given to him by a friend. He kept this card in his pocket the whole time he fought his battle with cancer

We are given 365 days a year to make a difference. We all have the opportunity to live our life anyway we choose, that's the beauty of free will. And yet, why do we choose to spend a single day angry at someone over a silly argument, or spend the day feeling sorry for ourselves because something didn't happen exactly how we wanted it to? We should live each day as if it were our last. We have no idea when that day will come, but never forget, that day could be tomorrow.

My favorite part of the quote is "What I do today is very important because I am exchanging a day of my life for it." Take a minute and really think about what it is saying. You live each day ONE time. Did you spend your day in a way that is worthy to be part of your life, part of your story? Whether you are a believer or not, shouldn't we all want to make an impact from our life we live? Put a stamp on the earth? 

My prayer for those who read this is that we would all learn to live each day so that we can lie down in bed at night and say, I succeeded today and I am proud of the person I was.

Thanks Y'all
Wise Wife 

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